Cuckold forced gay sex stories

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I told her that the humiliation of having that happen turned me on enormously. I blurted out that my biggest fantasy was for her to be fucked by a big, well- endowed man. On this night though, aroused by her naked body and my tongue loosened by drink, I brought up the subject of sex and made what I now know was the biggest mistake of my life. I put her apparent reluctance to have sex after the first couple of weeks down to this, and had resolved to be patient with her until she became used to me and began to relax and enjoy it. Jenny was younger than I, 22 to my 29, and though not a virgin when we married she was fairly inexperienced. But that was fine with me, because I loved her so desperately.

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Sure, she was the strong one in the partnership, and it was always her who got her way when push came to shove. The last six months had been the happiest time in my life for me, Jenny and I had seemed to get on so well.

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As I looked at her, with her flaming red, shoulder length hair and milky-white curvy body, I felt like the luckiest man in the world. After returning from a party, I lay naked on the bed next to Jenny, my beautiful bride of six months.

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